
“Nowhere for them to go”: Young People in Temporary Accommodation in Wales
In the New Year, End Youth End Youth Homelessness Cymru will be publishing a short report on the amount of time that young people are spending in unsupported temporary accommodation (TA) in Wales.

YExLS: The Simulation Story Continues…
We’re proud as EYHC and as Wales to have the honour of being the first country in the world to run the American Youth Justice Simulation independently…so, how did it go?

Our Response to the Welsh Government’s White Paper on Ending Homelessness (2023-24)
The Welsh Government have released their plans to end homelessness. But, what do the young people of Wales think of their proposals?

Participatory Methods in Youth Homelessness and Neurodiversity Research
One of the key tenets that underpins how we work at EYHC is the Amplification of Youth Voice. We believe that the voices of young people who have lived through homelessness should not only be heard but instead, it is these voices that should be actively driving the changes to policy and practice needed to end youth homelessness

‘The longer this carries on, the worse it gets’ - Young People’s Reflections on the Cost of Living Crisis
Recently, EYHC were able to offer two of our peer researchers, Elin and Axe, the opportunity to attend a Cabinet Committee meeting to speak directly to Mark Drakeford and other Cabinet members about the impact of the cost of living crisis on young people.

‘A Better Way Home - Community Hosting to Prevent Youth Homelessness’ Report Launch
On 28th April, End Youth Homelessness Cymru hosted an event to launch our report ‘A Better Way Home – Community Hosting to Prevent Youth Homelessness’. We were very happy to be joined by over 50 attendees from across the sector representing local authorities and third sector organisations.
Youth Voice in the Senedd
On 8th of March, in the Senedd End Youth Homelessness Cymru hosted the launch of the ‘Roadmap to Ending Youth Homelessness in Wales’. The Roadmap represents a collaborative approach to making youth homelessness in Wales rare, brief and non-recurring. It outlines What We Know about youth homelessness and more importantly – What We Should Do About It in a single accessible document.

Measuring the Impact of Youth Homelessness Prevention Through Construction Employment
Former EYHC Policy and Research Officer, Jemma Bridgeman, shares her experiences of working on a research paper into ‘Measuring the Impact of Youth Homelessness Prevention through Construction Employment’.

How I’ve Helped Get Other Young People’s Voices Heard
Charlie Barry is one of EYHC’s brilliant Peer Researcher Team. Here she discusses what it was like working on the Don’t Let Me Fall Through the Cracks report

Priority Need – Care Leaver or Care Experienced?
Lowri Williams, a Youth Justice Accommodation Officer for Gwynedd Council/ North Wales Housing Association, reflects on a legal discrepancy which risks young people falling between two definitions and in danger of homelessness.

Heading Upstream - Working earlier to Prevent Youth Homelessness
Upstream Cymru is now live in schools, working to identify young people at risk of homelessness

When It Comes to Housing, Young People Deserve More Choice
The Youth Housing Choices project is an exciting new approach to meeting the housing needs of young people in Wales

We Can’t End Homelessness Without an End to Youth Homelessness
A focus on preventing young people from becoming homeless is necessary to end homelessness in Wales